WCK Walls School 6th grade 1953

Walls School 6th Grade 1953
  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
2 James Parker Billy Edwards Joe Lehman John Wallace Billy Sterling Ronnie Saqui Don Emery Ronnie Sutphin Charles Elliott Bill Jones Rich Ramberg Charles McEvoy Don Stewart Bill Cummings Emery Newman
1 Naomi Moore Edith Brining Isabelle Emerich Pat Golway Gloria Granato Mary Tatum Carla Griffith Gayle Heppard Francis Green Judy Keller Judy Dale Lorraine Parke Margie O’Halloran Gail Lynch Geraldine Reeves

This picture and the list of names was provided by Gail Lynch Jenis. If anyone has a better picture, or the missing names, please email me. Lorraine identified 2A to complete the list.

As always, have fun!