Washington DC Senior Class Trip  April 1959

Washington DC Class Trip 1959

Click on the picture to open a larger view for more detail. If you put the cursor in the larger picture, you should get a box in the lower right corner to click that will enlarge the picture. It has arrows pointing out at the corners. This may not work on AOL.

4th row: Ralph Jones, John Newcomb, Rich Ramberg, Dick Doughty, Art Clark, Jim Hirst, Frank Tozour, Bob Baruzzi, Martin Stankard, Rich Kobylinski, Alan England, Steve Simmerman, Dale Ledden, Doug Tozour, Don Emery, Larry Moss, Bill Bernhardt, Curt Davis, Bob Dick, Bill Cummings, Ken Taggart, Jack Hitchner, Skip Kelley, Ray Damminger, Ralph Jones (2)

3rd row: Bob Govett, Don Carson, Bill Hadden, Burt Revell, Emmitt Kurtz, Paul Coffman, Lou Barthold, Bertram Fey(sch bd), Dell Fey, Mrs. Simmons, Mr. Bloomingdale, Mrs. Waddell, Coach Waddell, Rich Mangano, Buster Kircher, Denis Cliff, Carl Kressley, Jim McCluskey, Bill Hopkins, Byce Duer, Bill Jones

2nd row: Catherine D'Antonio, Harry Salmon, Ginny Jones, Ken Girard, Danny Dalesandro, Virginia Lankford , Roy Howey, Judy Allen, Carolyn Harris, Joan Kayser, Bernice Lonia, Gloria Granato, Virginia Marinacci, Pauline Carew, Carolyn Webb, Lynne Eckman, Gayle Heppard, Jean Manel, Carol Perry, Lynne McWilliams

1st row: Karen Worrell, Mona Hennesey, Joy Hughes, Betty Sanger, Anna Giansanti, Gail Lynch, Judy Wood, Pat Kammerer, Janice Porter, Carol Bates, Kris Lindland, Carol Boyle, Sandra Linn, Alice Wilson, Helen Murray, Barbara Turner, Sandra Lonie, Barbara Whitehead, Diane Rhoda, Jane Morris, Pat Frazier, Bunny Stecher

Please provide any corrections or missing names. If you are happy with what you see, I will be glad to take the credit. If there are mistakes etc. let's all blame Burt for starting this. Of course, I'm just kidding but we can still blame Burt.