Web Surfing Tips


If a Web page displays a large photo or picture, the picture will be resized to fit within the current Explorer window size. If you rest the mouse pointer on the picture for a few seconds, you'll see an Enlarge button (with arrows at all four corners) in the lower right corner of the picture. Clicking that button will switch the picture between full size and the smaller size needed to fit within your browser window. You'll also see a small menu bar that enables you to save the picture to your own computer, print it, e-mail it to someone or open My Pictures folder. Once you have expanded the picture to the full size, use the scroll bars at the side and bottom of the page to move the picture around. If the picture is already sized to fit the page, the enlarge button will not be available.

Most pictures will also have a popup window that will contain a description or title for the picture. Hover the mouse pointer over the picture for a second or so.

Full Screen (particularly helpful with small monitors)

Choose View, then Full Screen, or press the F11 key to have the current Web page displayed without the added clutter of the status bar, menu bar, Address bar, or Links toolbar. The Restore button at the upper right corner of the screen (between "" and "X") will take you back. You can quickly toggle between the normal display and the full-screen display by pressing F11.


One of the best features of the Web is its use of hyperlinks - hot spots on the screen - which, when clicked, take you to images, videos, audio clips, or other Web pages. Most hyperlinks appear as underlined text; but any text, or even part of a picture, can be a hyperlink. When the mouse pointer is touching a hyperlink, it changes to the little pointing hand.
A ToolTip (popup) showing a description of the hyperlink or the address to which the hyperlink will take you may also appear near the mouse pointer. The status bar typically will show the hyperlink’s address. To follow the link to its destination, click the left mouse button and wait for the new page to appear on your screen.

Create a Favorites list

As you follow links and explore the Web, you’re sure to find sites you’ll want to revisit. You can make the return trip easier by adding the site to your Favorites while you’re there. To add a site to your Favorites list, follow these steps:

1. While viewing the page you want to add, choose Favorites, then Add to Favorites from the Internet Explorer menu bar.

The Add Favorite dialog box  will display. Type in a name for this favorite item or accept the suggested name.

2. Click the OK button.

Revisit a Favorite page

When you want to revisit a site, you don’t need to type the address. Instead, follow these steps:

1. Click the Favorites menu in the Internet Explorer menu bar or the Favorites icon button.

2. If your favorite page is stored in a subcategory (or folder) on the Favorites menu, point to or click that folder.

3. Click the name of the site you want to revisit.

Print this page for reference.