Jim's Model Railroad Site

Nampa, Idaho

Westside Lumber Co, One of my favorites

3D Printed Parts: Here you will find some of the 3D prints I have made for the model railroad. I use different programs to design them but many have been done in SketchUp 2020. Blender is my goto for physical surface displacement mapping. Fusion 360 is another program that is gaining popularity.

DCC & Electrical drawings: Various drawings as listed.

DCC Installs Plus: Various decoder installs with additional info plus some other conversions.

Guides: Remap locomotive function keys and calculate brake rates are new additions. See my ideas on some of the Soundtraxx Tsunami2 decoder functions.

ME Frog Wire: Connect a wire to the frog on Micro Engineering turnouts.

Track Feeder Wires. My method to connect the feeder wires to the track.

NCE PCP with Auto Switch: Using 3D printed components, add an Auto Switch and selector switch to the PCP panel to make a compact unit.

Modify the height of ties; Much easier than sanding or filing.

Tools: Various tools to aid modeling.

My Layout in my Hobby Room.



Excellent sites for additional information:

Wiring for DCC by Allan Gartner. A wide assortment of DCC based subjects and ideas.

Mark Gurries site on all things DCC with an enormous amount of technical data.

Mr DCC's University by Bruce Petaraca. Wide range of topics.

NCE DCC Group This discussion group is primarily for NCE and is loaded with great ideas and wonderful experts to answer NCE questions. You will need to sign up (free).

JMRI: A Java Model Railroad Interface. This site is the home of DecoderPro, PanelPro and OperationsPro. These free programs provide invaluable solutions to many phases of your railroad along with technical data to help with their operation.

Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine. A great FREE model railroading magazine with over 100 pages of how2 information each month. Add a Running Extra subscription for even more content. Follow the links to video content and more.

Be sure to search the web; there are many more sites available. The OEM manuals and data on the manufacturer's web sites are an important source of information.


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